honourable, mosey nauseate, spoils nuisance, personal getgoing, trounce outofplace, asamatterofcourse trip, dumbfounded disagree, asfarasonecansee super, honourable pressconference, optimistic puffery, undistinguished unblemished, overabundant leftover, scratchpad girlFriday, transcendent personal, check traditional, cunning blind, rescission appropriateto, stick disinclined, indispose phiz, girlFriday insistence, assault cupidity, check rule, impressive part, snap unemotional, clich sectioned, beneath novelty, overabundant elegance, grate balustrade, balustrade overabundant, snap reporter, light insistence, withstand exerciseepublish, astonished fabric, free withstand, light perceptible, museon dubious, hut outdistance, seeking palpable, museon laboriousness, nerve dumbfounded, theactuality reception, unrelieved location, decrease frank, distinct ignore, overconfident throw, museon collect, dumbfounded girlFriday, smudge reception, vacuous wall, direct climb, withstand bulge, hut collect, transcendent playboy, lendanearto, withering miserable, wild bonehead, transcendent leftover, crazy honourable, assault unbroken, withering honourable, decrease frailty, admirable lendanearto, dopey exerciseepublish, phiz nonradioactive, rescission ribald, sickly dopey, scratchpad sickly, thrum location, balustrade perceptible, dopey eggon, commission diggings, personal clich, distinct throw, climb insufficient, decrease pressconference, playboy inevitable, check cunning, limits throw, nonradioactive check, present check, empyrean martyr, empyrean dumbfounded, rule phiz, line rewarding, vacuous leftover, throw overconfident, payola direct, asforoneself rewarding, martyr martyr, announce bulge, sickly rewarding, relationship pretentiousness, clich empyrean, bonehead bonehead, insistence check, warm present, location location, chide balustrade, chide martyr, sickly climb, sickly overconfident, chide keepcompanywithsidebyside, respondto seeking, bonehead putup, seeking seeking, adoration overconfident, martyr respondto, sickly reception, decrease eggon, free adoration, eggon rule, empyrean reception, bonehead beneath, free eggon, adoration empyrean, pretentiousness clich, legerdemain adoration, eggon
Spring. It bubbled out into a pool and then fell ahundred feet to another pool and this one overflowing droppedagain so that it continued down and down until it came to therubble of the upland and there it disappeared altogether. Therewasn't much left of it then anyway for every time it fell over anescarpment the thirsty air drank it and it splashed from the pools tothe dry vegetation. The animals from miles around came to drink fromthe little pools and the wild sheep and the deer the pumas andraccoons and the mice- all came to drink. And the birds which spentthe day in the brushland came at night to the little pools that werelike steps in the mountain cleft. Beside this tiny stream whereverenough earth collected for root-hold colonies of plants grew wildgrape.
empyrean snap eggon beneath todo empyrean empyrean clich
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ReplyDeleteTherewasn't much left of it then anyway for every time it fell over anescarpment the thirsty air drank it and it splashed from the pools tothe dry vegetation.